This project involves construction of LuLu Hypermarket Plot No.38/970(UB11640) located at Muwailah Commercial Area in Sharjah. Hypermarket Spread across 22,000 square meters area, The The project involves construction of a hypermarket comprising of a ground floor, a parking level and 2 additional floors. It comprised of car parking in the Ground level; supermarket in the First floor level; department stores in the second floors and the utility services located at the roof level. The structure is combination of concrete and steel structure with Hollow core slab, Kalzip roofing including aluminum cladding and glazed curtain walls with 2 sets of panaromic lifts,4sets of travellator,2Nos of escalators,7 sets of service elevators, Internal and external finishes. The foundation involved Dewatering, Shoring and Soil Improvement work with waterproofing works. HVAC System consists of 5 sets of chillers with AHUs and FCUs. We handled smoke management system along with fire fighting and detection system. The Mall is provided with best in class security system and all electrical systems are handled by our own team.
Here is what's happening at Jazal.